NOTE: The symbol (*) indicates work with supervised undergraduates, (#) for graduate students.
Kalipeni E., Iwelunmor J., Grigsby-Toussaint DS and Moise IK, Eds. (2018). Edited Book. “Public Health, Disease and Development in Africa” (Geographies of Health Series); pp. 274, UK: Routledge.
Moise IK., Zulu CL., Fuller DO and Beier JC. (2019). “Persistent barriers to implementing efficacious mosquito control activities in continental United States: Insights from vector control experts.” In: Current Topics in Neglected Tropical Diseases. Eds. lfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales; InTechOpen.
Moise IK., *de Joya E., Zulu LC., Grigsby-Toussaint DS and Kalipeni E. (2018). “Progress towards combatting HIV/AIDS in Africa.” In: Public Health, Disease and Development in Africa. Eds. Kalipeni E, Iwelunmor J, Grigsby-Toussaint D and Moise IK; pp. 60-78, Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Inc.
Kalipeni E., Iwelunmor J., Grigsby-Toussaint DS and Moise IK. (2018). “Africa’s epidemiologic transition of dual burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases.” In: Public Health, Disease and Development in Africa. Eds. Kalipeni E, Iwelunmor J, Grigsby-Toussaint D and Moise IK; pp. 1-9, Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Inc.
Jayati G., Moise IK and Kalipeni E. (2017). “Regional integration and relationship with different forms of foreign direct investments in Southern Africa.” In: Advances in Geoeconomics. Eds. Joseph Mark Munoz; pp. 151-158, London and New York: Routledge.
Moise IK., Kalipeni E and Zulu LC. (2014). “Analyzing geographical access to HIV sentinel clinics in relation to other health clinics in Zambia.” In: Perspectives in Medical Geography: Theory and Applications for Librarians. Eds. Amy J. Blatt; pp. 114-186, London and New York: Routledge.
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